While this list doesn’t cover your Salesforce career specifically, it is a phenomenal framework that I reference as I go about my work.
They view themselves as more than just a Salesforce professional
They are and thoughtful beyond their function - it’s how they learn/grow. There is no substitute for this.
As a side note, if you're thinking about jumping into Salesforce development, click here to read more about what it's like being a Salesforce developer in today's ecosystem.
Their work in Salesforce continually addresses contingencies other people neglected to think about
Deliver accurate and complete work the first time. Do not confuse accuracy with precision. Answer all relevant questions the first time. See the forest from the trees.
They don't over-engineer solutions in Salesforce
Be a professional simplifier, not a competent complexifier.
They can predict a problem will happen in Salesforce
They foresee problems, don’t just discover them as they happen. In fact, they propose solutions, and don’t just make it their manager’s or someone else’s problem.
Salesforce professionals act with a sense of urgency
They combat inertia - there are always reasons why change will be hard. They recognize that change is needed.
"Why do we do this process in Salesforce?"
They question WHY? Then radically simplify. They do not suffer in silence.
For example, they might see that some process is happening Salesforce and conclude that it's better to yank that automation and put it somewhere else.
Their ownership doesn't stop at Salesforce accounts
They take ownership, which is above accountability. Accountability is making sure you don’t fail. Ownership is making sure the team doesn’t fail. They help others, proactively, energetically, fully engaged.
They empathize with their Salesforce users
They empathize.
“Is the experience we are giving others what we would expect?”
Instead of treating their end-users like idiots, they treat them with respect and compassion.
They think how Salesforce can scale with their business
They think 10x: will it work at 10x without more people, manual processes?
They honor their commitments
They do what they’ll say they’ll do, setting realistic expectations, and renegotiating if needed (things happen). But they don’t miss deadlines without telling people, or surprise them at the last minute.
They give great feedback (managers)
If they’re a manager, they give real feedback. If you don’t tell someone where they stand, you rob them of their career.
Overall, these are solid qualities to have or to strive for. I think they highlight what a good businessperson being is, which should be the goal of any Salesforce professional - i.e., you’re not just a “button pusher” like what some people might say, but you are a business person who cares about your work and is accountable on a personal level as well.
Again, you can expand these bullet points past your immediate Salesforce career. It’s an excellent framework from which you can continually improve upon and ultimately form a foundation of personal growth, which eventually will serve you well in your Salesforce career.